Jumaat, 14 November 2008

so 'mati'...

sorry for the unrecent updated narration from me. :)
i was busy sleeping and having some peaceful rest after somehow my cousins had completely packed up their belongings,'BALIK KAMPUNG'. Hoping they will be back NOT so soon.

I hate last night. My lovely mom had lost her mind when she saw & smell the scent of 'taie kucing' under the baju-baju which it was hers.
I was surprise when mama cakap 'mati tah kamu!' and yeah,i cried. My mom had also gone mad. Mama tendang-tendang gapil,junior & baby. Marah bnr mama.. So, what i did was, aku ambil dorang & simpan dorang di luar. ='(
mama jahat dimalam..

Now,i'm at school. Buat apa?Tunggu masa untuk study..Duduk2,buang masa..
Today's saturday,the 15th.
Looking forward for something that'll lighten up my saturday..

i guess A-level exams abis sudah kali coz the road was ok,inda jammed..Canteen area pun lapang..


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