Isnin, 17 November 2008

here i am,onel. ;p

huarghhh...mengantuk eh...pukul berapa ni??12:05pm??
okay, not to waste any precious time, here it's story.

basically, hari ni suppose to be BLOODY monday, but since everything went smooth,so its a...should i say... 'wonderful' monday?? hahaha
aku bangun kul 5, mandi kul510, kuar jamban kul530.hehe
and so, sembahyang,siap2 and off i sekulah ku, PTEB.
uhhh...boring sudahku with the school. nada siuk.
tapi its ok lah, next year pindah sekulah baru...ampir lagi, dapat ahir datang..

after school..
apa ku buat?umm..balik rumah, tukar baju, menunaikan rukun islam yang pertama, then naik, masuk bilik, susun bantal, and before tu view friendster, check message and ceta-ceta jap arah msn baru tidur.
after school ,it's a MUST to take a nap (atleast) or tidur sepanjang petang. haha. ngaleh kaliah.
okay, aku bangun kul5ptg. i was in a rush,since my aunt on the way sudah kan fetch me. coz today aku jaga nini.
yata aku mandi, masih lagi ada shampoo arah my hair masa karingkan rambut. huhu. biar tia, keadaan memaksa. ahhahah

4hours aku duduk2, jaga nini, di klinki kiarong, aku just watch tv, siaran Brunei saja ada, but ALHAMDULILLAH jua daripada nadakan.
aku liat this tv series, HEROES-2. Aku suka, Gabriel Gray (Sylar) - ZACHARY QUINTO. Not just badannya lawa, tapi structure mukanya, skin tonenya, eyy...he's my type!
hehehehe. nanti ku simpan a bunch of gambarnya sini ahh...hehe.

okay so, now. i'm stuck dapan laptop ni, typing...untuk hidangan para pembaca blogku. haha.
i got lots hw ni kan d antar esok, sociology, english and yea, hang tuah correction.
honestly, i'm not good ni Hikayat Hang Tuah a, i don't really know how to answer the question. my teacher selalu cakap, "JAWAP MENGIKUT KEHENDAK SOALAN"
aiyooo...if a personal tutor bisai ni, yang handsome lah *blushing* haha

review untuk esok,
- English di class
- Sociology... i thibk di Computer Lab kali.
- Geography; Miss Lim kan explain apa yang kami salim tadi. brapa page tu, 3 kah??
- Bhs Melayu, kami main scrabble ad not to forget, submit HT corrections.
**esok balik skolah pukul12. PS ptg.

gtg now, aher dah. kan view fs lagi kajap ni. hehe.
thanks, hanie

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