Sabtu, 8 November 2008


okay, malam ni kami adakan surprise party for my mum..well inda pulang 'party'. ordinary party saja, bagi cake, make some wishes and bagi present.
ni aku excited sangatlah haha. mama pun hairan why aku senyum-senyum. hehe..

ni lah cake nya... inda berapa clear coz it's surprise kan..kami semua pun inda kan merancang kan buat this party..

it says "Congratulations, Ma. We love You. You're 1 in a million"
Mama masa tu terharu, this included me. I'm the one yang pigang the cake, kajar2 wah.
we love you, ma...umm cakenya, cake ice-cream..chocolate..

my sister, c was her idea...bagi surprise arah mama..and her boyfriend, c zul.(should i say, ABG Zul? haha)

ni lah our new member in the house, my sister's boyfriend... he's always there for us... THANKS SO MUCH...

MY adek, c ameng. hee... kami semua hancur..maklum, surprise, kami buat macam nada lah.. hehe

my broter, the only brother... beloved brother...hehe awal2 my brother inda pakai baju ni, sekali bgamber tu, laju2 ia pakai baju hehe

last but not least, aku..hehe. cali ehh..baru after mandi wah iatah kusut tu ahh..malu nyerr..huhu

***my 1st sister & tunangnya nada, coz dorang shopping**

This party is nothing compare to what mama sacrifices for us. kami bagi card, and dalam tu kami selitkan beberapa kata-kata semangat.Party ni dibuat pasal Mama dapat degree,specialist in Childhood Education. Kami sayang Mama...

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